To be honest, I have never really been a fan of motorsport racing, but Formula E is something different. Regular sports car racing has always felt too loud, too polluting and a bit pointless, but electric car racing is changing my perception rapidly. The most recent Formula E race and associated FIA Smart Cities event in Santiago, Chile last week highlighted the importance of sustainable mobility and the advantages of advancing electric technology as quickly as possible. Extremely fast electric cars, whooshing by cheering audiences with a distinctly electric whizzing sound, made me realize that the future is definitely now.
In conversation with Alejandro Agag, CEO of Formula E, it rapidly became clear that this was a different kind of racing. Not only is it exciting, because electric vehicles are fast, really fast, going from 0 to 100 km/h in 3 seconds, but it is also a showcase of modern mobility, and a means of advancing the electric technology through competition.
Alejandro Agag talks to Connect4Climate about Formula E race in Santiago
There are a lot more sports fans than environmentalists, which gives sense to the strategy of using sports to put a spotlight on our sustainable and climate-smart development ambitions. Building low-carbon and resilient cities is surely a substantial part of addressing climate change, seeing that about 70% of greenhouse gas emissions are produced in urban areas and our global population is increasingly urbanizing.
Clean and safe mobility is a key ingredient to redesigning our cities, and with about 23% of fossil fuel based emissions coming from transport, electric mobility powered by renewable energy can certainly contribute to reducing our carbon footprints. In addition, electric mobility has the potential to remove air pollutants from our urban environments and thereby help reduce societal health impacts. Santiago E Prix winner Jean-Eric Vergne put it to me best: “Yesterday I went to the top of a hill in Santiago and I could not see the mountains, and I thought to myself, in 15 years if all the cars in this city are electric I will be able to see those mountains.”
Santiago E Prix Winner Jean-Éric Vergne talks about electric mobility

Formula E race on Twitter
Successful #FIASmartCities Forum at #SantiagoEPrix. Thanks to all participants & see you in Roma on 13 April! #CleanMobility #RomeEPrix @ITF_Forum @Connect4Climate https://t.co/N3ZsqVusUN pic.twitter.com/zTXVXTVM4t
— FIA (@fia) February 3, 2018
.@FIA President and @UN SG’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, @JeanTodt opens “Smart Cities Forum” live from Santiago, Chile - #innovation is the key for mobility and transportation’s future. #cities4climate pic.twitter.com/vRIISfQTJQ
— Connect4Climate (@Connect4Climate) February 2, 2018
“If #climatechange is a global problem, then electric mobility is a global right!”
— Connect4Climate (@Connect4Climate) February 2, 2018
“#smartcities are not only a technological question but also social - they address the issues of the communities.”@JuanEspadasSVQ, Mayor of Sevilla, Spain @Ayto_Sevilla#Cities4Climate pic.twitter.com/kpOt2KwS4O
Incredible @FIA @FIAFormulaE #SantiagoEPrix today celebrating #ElectricMobility. Here is racer @LucasdiGrassi's #ClimateChange message: We are making this technology accepted faster by everyone.#FIASmartCities #Cities4Climate #Sport4Climate #Mobility4All #Cities4All pic.twitter.com/wirUKNfZSK
— Connect4Climate (@Connect4Climate) February 3, 2018
“The is not a problem of lack of information nor innovation and technology it is an institutional problem! - it is necessary to create a metropolitan authority for transports.” @Orrego, Mayor of Santiago, Chile #SmartCities #Cities4Climate pic.twitter.com/CRQ00CyG4j
— Connect4Climate (@Connect4Climate) February 2, 2018
#SmartCities require smart political systems. The shift has to start from the top.
— Connect4Climate (@Connect4Climate) February 2, 2018
- Alejandro Quintana, President @Automovil_Club #Cities4Climate pic.twitter.com/ykVzroRXTK
.@NewCities CEO & Founder @rossant —> The #technology is there, what we have to do is change people’s mentalities. They have to understand that the future can be incrediblly positive!#SmartCitiesForum #Cities4Climate pic.twitter.com/ckidXob76D
— Connect4Climate (@Connect4Climate) February 2, 2018
The most important legacy that we will bring to future generations - is the serious way that we are addressing mobility in #CDMX while ensuring the continuation of these public policies. - @LBallesterosM #SmartCitiesForum #Cities4Climate pic.twitter.com/RoaekYtE7a
— Connect4Climate (@Connect4Climate) February 2, 2018
The #ParisAgreement of 1.5C degrees may be met in 5 years. We need to take faster actions because there is a visible and strong sense of urgency!
— Connect4Climate (@Connect4Climate) February 2, 2018
- Gustavo Manez, Climate Change Coordinator, @UNEP #SmartCitiesForum #Cities4Climate #ClimateAction pic.twitter.com/xG92CYqjAZ
The #ParisAgreement of 1.5C degrees may be met in 5 years. We need to take faster actions because there is a visible and strong sense of urgency!
— Connect4Climate (@Connect4Climate) February 2, 2018
- Gustavo Manez, Climate Change Coordinator, @UNEP #SmartCitiesForum #Cities4Climate #ClimateAction pic.twitter.com/xG92CYqjAZ
The #ParisAgreement of 1.5C degrees may be met in 5 years. We need to take faster actions because there is a visible and strong sense of urgency!
— Connect4Climate (@Connect4Climate) February 2, 2018
- Gustavo Manez, Climate Change Coordinator, @UNEP #SmartCitiesForum #Cities4Climate #ClimateAction pic.twitter.com/xG92CYqjAZ
Congratulations @JeanEricVergne on winning the #SantiagoEPrix @FIAFormulaE!!! Thank you for supporting #ElectricMobility
— Connect4Climate (@Connect4Climate) February 3, 2018
In 15 years if all the cars in the city are electric I will be able to see that mountain." #Sport4Climate #Cities4Climate #SantiagoEPrix #FIASmartCities pic.twitter.com/xkZCSI3rk1